TRAINING (2.4.1)

The Swiss Quantum Initiative aims to further strengthen Switzerland’s leading position in the field of quantum technology, from basic research to application.

Image : Gerd Altmann, CC0

Call for Ideas for infrastructures launched

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) invites the research and innovation community to submit 2-page ideas to create or expand quantum infrastructures in Switzerland.

Energie und Technologie (Symbolbild)
Image : Christoph Ritz

The SQI has been set up to strengthen the leading position of Switzerland in the field of quantum research, technology and application. As part of the SQI, this Call for Ideas aims at gathering ideas and conceptual proposals from the Swiss and international research, innovation and industry communities. At this point, it is not linked to any specific funding opportunity. Input from this call will be used towards the development of strategies for extended or new infrastructures in Switzerland and to shape future SQI funding instruments.



Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Commission (SQC)
Maison des Académies
Case postale
3001 Berne